Jiit Connect is packed with features like Time Table, Attendance View, Detailed Attendance, Annapurna Menu, SGPA/CGPA Calculator, Placement Results, Campus Popular Stories!
Not only this we have some guest features like Buy/Sell your Books and lot more!
Currently app is only available for JIIT 62 and JIIT 128 Students
App is smart enough to understand and analyse user's attendance and predicts your attendance on missing or attending next lecture!
There is also threshold feature which notifies users if attendance goes beyond this limit
Annapurna Menu -
Carry your annapurna mess menu in your pocket with one touch update option!
Note: To avail offline accessibly we are storing the Annapurna Menu Image directly to your Internal Storage!
You are requested to permit "Read Internal Storage" permission to carry this out smoothly
Along with your previous year CGPA and SGPA details app also detects your current subjects and their Course Credits and thus provides you SGPA Calculator to plan your studies :P
Time Table-
Pocket Time Table for you!
Push Notification -
There is a push Notification system using Google Firebase
App will be open sourced soon and awaits greater contribution from Juniors
Stay tuned for further updates @jiitconnect